Cyberpunk 2077 Faces Plague Of Bugs, Fraud, Crunch, Refunds and Lawsuits

SCHIZO BAELEY (enclave arc) 🦅
10 min readDec 30, 2020

Cyberpunk, one of sci-fi’s most rebellious subgenres, is all about holding power to account. Although people focus on the glitz of advanced cybernetics, scientific advancements, and overall attitude of cool, it’s the satirical underbelly of megacorporations and superstates versus low-life space cowboys where the genre holds its love. These fictional worlds are no…



SCHIZO BAELEY (enclave arc) 🦅

27, anxious writer, depressed gamer, bisexual lover, baratheon loyalist, L to the OG enjoyer, emma d'arcy fan acc, chicanery socialism, (any/all)